Research on institutional logos

This is a selection of institutional logos from various mainstream film companies. One thing that is immediately made apparent is that they are all animated logos. This is so the company can make a statement about who they are and having these high quality animated logos shows how big the company really is. Logos like these take a lot of skill to make so an animator would need to be hired to make these. Due to how these logos reflect on the company, the cost of hiring an animator can be justified.

Compare those to Film 4, which is a British independant film company. Granted, this is probably one of the more well off of the independent film companies due to them being a subsidiary of the Channel 4 TV network, but they are still very much an independant film company. This is also a moving logo, but this isn't animated. It is filmed live using a panning shot and parts of the logo have been strategically placed to create a perspective illusion. This is similar to Channel 4's old style of stings they had on TV before the weird stuff they now use like the exploding cliff face with the monkeys running around on it, which is you ask me.

But I digress. This independant company has used an opening like this to try and make themselves appear to be bigger since they have an animated logo. Although you can tell that in comparison to the others, they are nowhere near as big.

All this will help when creating our film as it shows what independent and mainstream logos look like so when we choose what sort of company to be, we know what type of logo to make. 


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