Preliminary Task | Evaluation

In my opinion, we have address continuity errors well. For us, however, we know that what you see in the film doesn't link up with the actual layout of our school, which is where all this is filmed, but to someone who hasn't been to our school, they wouldn't notice this. During our piece, we have used match on action when opening the door, shot reverse shot during talking, but we didn't use the 180 degree rule since it wasn't necessary. In my opinion, our group worked well together, however, I’m willing to admit that I was the weakest link in the group. This is because I wasn't the best when it came to meeting deadlines our group set and only just got the video uploaded in time. If we were to film this again, we would spend more time working on a script, since our piece is only just over the required 1 minute minimum time (can be seen in the screenshots above. The entire video was only 1:12). I believe we planned our film well and in detail, the only t...